Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Script Supervisor

The script supervisor is the main person on the set of filming to keep track of continuity. It takes a really skilled person to perform this job because of the daily duties and is not easy to get. First you would need to get a job in a film studio and become a supervisor assistant. After that you can work your way up to a script supervisor. Back when the job was first introduced it was mainly a job for a girl. At that time it was named "script girl". Since the 50s it became a gender-neutral roll.

            Script Supervisor aids the director and the director of photography. At the end of the day have to make sure that the film can be cut together with out any problems during editing. During filming they create reports that are used by every department from production to wardrobe so that every thing is in the right place. If the actors do or say something that is different from the script, it is noted. They make sure that if there are any changes to the script that the cast gets the updated copy. The supervisor must take continuity note for the editor because most of the time they are not on set at the time of filming. These notes include witch take is a hold (ok take) and a print (perfect), which camera and what lens was used. Also make sure that hair, makeup and props match the story. During the pre-production stage the supervisor looks over the shooting script and creates a shooting schedule. This allows for efficient shooting.
        A good supervisor has to have a good eye for detail and patience to record the smallest detail. The script supervisor creates reports for the production company on what has been done, any scenes that have to be redone and scenes that have been completed. Also when shooting has started and stopped and how long each scene is.
            The script supervisor is not the only one who has to keep track of continuity. Directors, editors, production, set designers  and others have to do their part in maintaining it. Unfortunately if they have a bad shooting day the supervisor gets blamed for it. that’s why it is important to get every one to work together and do there part. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Continuity is the most important thing to keep track of when making a movie. Continuity is the consistency of objects, people, factual accuracy within the plot of the story.(www.wikipedia.com Web) Some times objects can be put out of place from one last shot to the next or the actor’s appearance differs. Sometimes camera crews inadvertently get into the shot. When people watch a movie they become involved and start thinking that it is real, and when they see that something is “off” then it creates a loss of realism. This can be annoying and if it is bad enough can cause the whole scene to be re shot.

Even the most expensive movies are not immune from it. For example, Titanic is one of them. When Rose is looking for someone to help her rescue Jack, a guy tries to get her to safety but she gets frustrated and punches him in the face. In the next shot if you slow it down you can see that there is blood on his hand before he touches his face.(www.imdb.com Web)When Jack and Rose are at the back of the ship as it starts going down there is a man holding on to a flag pole with a life jacket on. In the next shot he does not have it on. When Jack walks through the door for the first time to go to dinner the reflection of the camera man can be seen in the door. ( See figure 1 to the below )

In “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” when the apes are breaking out of the animal control center, a car can be seen driving on the left side of the road even though the movie is set in California.(www.moviemistakes.com Web)
In “Horrible Bosses,” when the three main characters get arrested they are clearly shown getting handcuffed. In another further shot (from behind) their hands are completely free. Also when they break into one of their boss' houses, the boom mic can be seen above the actor’s head.(www.movie mistakes.com Web)

There is one more major mistake that was difficult to believe. In the 1983 film “Bad Boys,” in the fight scene at the end, one of the camera men is in plain view in the crowd. It's so obvious that one web site was able to identify the camera as a Panavision brand. (See figure 2 below) This goof could have easily been avoided by not having the camera directed in the area or the editor could have edited it out. That whole shot looked like it was not necessary to include.

When making a movie there is a person on the set called the script supervisor. Their job is to make sure that the film maintains continuity. The script supervisor is not the only one that keeps it in line, but every department has to also do their part from wardrobe to makeup to set design. It is very hard in this industry to maintain continuity, but there are ways to keep it under control some of which are already being done. Some scenes have to be shot at different times. For example, one scene is of a fight, and at the end of the fight it cuts to the actor having his wounds treated, that shot may have been filmed at a different time than the fight so the appearance of the actor might have changed. That is where wardrobe and makeup have to chip in. a way to make it easer to take a picture before the shooting wraps up.

Sometimes if they are not done with the set they tape it off as a “Hot Set.” . As for crew equipment being visible in the shot, if it’s a shot that you don’t need to include then don’t or use a different shot. Its going to be hard to keep it under control and impossible to get them all but if filmmakers pay more attention to details and put more effort in the it will be containable.

As shown in the picture the numbers change on the side of the plane.