Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Script Supervisor

The script supervisor is the main person on the set of filming to keep track of continuity. It takes a really skilled person to perform this job because of the daily duties and is not easy to get. First you would need to get a job in a film studio and become a supervisor assistant. After that you can work your way up to a script supervisor. Back when the job was first introduced it was mainly a job for a girl. At that time it was named "script girl". Since the 50s it became a gender-neutral roll.

            Script Supervisor aids the director and the director of photography. At the end of the day have to make sure that the film can be cut together with out any problems during editing. During filming they create reports that are used by every department from production to wardrobe so that every thing is in the right place. If the actors do or say something that is different from the script, it is noted. They make sure that if there are any changes to the script that the cast gets the updated copy. The supervisor must take continuity note for the editor because most of the time they are not on set at the time of filming. These notes include witch take is a hold (ok take) and a print (perfect), which camera and what lens was used. Also make sure that hair, makeup and props match the story. During the pre-production stage the supervisor looks over the shooting script and creates a shooting schedule. This allows for efficient shooting.
        A good supervisor has to have a good eye for detail and patience to record the smallest detail. The script supervisor creates reports for the production company on what has been done, any scenes that have to be redone and scenes that have been completed. Also when shooting has started and stopped and how long each scene is.
            The script supervisor is not the only one who has to keep track of continuity. Directors, editors, production, set designers  and others have to do their part in maintaining it. Unfortunately if they have a bad shooting day the supervisor gets blamed for it. that’s why it is important to get every one to work together and do there part. 

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